DBDesigner4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creating, and maintenance into a single seamless environment.
DBDesigner4 is, in fact, comparable to products such as Oracle's Designer, IBM's Rational Rose, Computer Associate's ERwin, and theKompany's DataArchitect.
- http://www.fabforce.net/dbdesigner4/
DBDesigner4 an Open Source Software optimized for MySQL databases and is the next best thing to MySQL Workbench - which is based on DBDesigner4. Until MySQL release a Workbench for Linux, I guess we all have to settle for DBDesigner.
What to Download
The first thing you should decide on is what installer to download from
http://fabforce.net/downloads.php. There's a Tarball, an RPM, and an EXE file for Windows.
The EXE installs and works great on WINE (if you have it installed). I haven't encountered any problem with this install - yet, not even performance issues. You should use this if you don't want to go through the hassle of troubleshooting DBDesigner. Just click on the installer to launch it on WINE. No need to launch it from the command-line.
But being a Linux aficionado, I preferred a tarball or rpm install though. The tarball's fine, just issue
tar zxvf DBDesigner4.0.5.4.tar.gz to extract the files.
The RPM install is preferred if you want DBDesigner4 available to all users on your system. However, you'll need
alien on Gutsy. This tutorial would go through installing
Installing Alien
Issue the command:
sudo aptitude install alien
Download DBDesigner4-0.5.4-0.i586.rpm
Download the RPM file here:
http://fabforce.net/downloadfile.php?iddownloadfile=9Install DBDesigner4-0.5.4-0.i586.rpm
Issue the command:
sudo alien -i DBDesigner4-0.5.4-0.i586.rpm 
libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
DBDesigner4 is installed on /opt/DBDesigner4, however, we wouldn't be able to launch it since it'll give you the
libborqt error.
To fix this error, we need to download and copy libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so to /usr/lib. Download the file at
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/kylixlibs/kylixlibs3-borqt-3.0-2.tar.gz?downloadExtract it by issuing this command:
tar xzvf kylixlibs3-borqt-3.0-2.tar.gz 
Then copy the dependency to /usr/lib:
sudo cp kylixlibs3-borqt/libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so /usr/lib/libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so
Now launch DBDesigner:

The font is sucky, so you may need to change it to Helvetica-10 to make DBDesigner4 look more appealing.
Options > DBDesigner Options > Visual Options 
Menu Entry
Create a Menu Entry using this values:
Name: DBDesigner4
Icon: /opt/DBDesigner4/Gfx/Icon48.xpm
Command: /opt/DBDesigner4/DBDesigner4

Unable to Load libsqlmy.so
When connecting to the database, you'll get this error:

To fix this, you need to go to
http://crlab.com/dbx/download.html and download
dbExpress driver for MySQL, Linux version 4.20Then to extract the file, type:
tar zxvf dbxmda.tar.gz
Then copy libsqlmda.so.4.20 to /usr/lib:
sudo cp DbxMda/libsqlmda.so.4.20 /usr/liband run:
sudo ldconfig
Then relaunch DBDesigner4.
Libmysqlclient.so Error
Some may encounter the unable to load libmysqlclient.so error. There's an incompatibility issue with libmysqlclient.so.15, so you'll need to download and install libmysqlclient.so.10.
Download the file at
ftp://ftp.wesmo.com/pub/contributed/RPMS/MySQL-shared-compat-4.1.9-0.i386.rpmThen install it:
sudo alien -i MySQL-shared-compat-4.1.9-0.i386.rpm
Making changes globally
Open ~/.DBDesigner4/
DBConn_DefaultSettings.ini in Kate and change the folowing:
And there you go. Hope everything works for you. I know this is temporary, since we're only waiting for MySQL Workbench for Linux... right?
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