Friday, June 08, 2007

Ubuntu and NetBeans CD

I received a notice from the Post Office regarding a package I should claim from them. It turns out my Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Edubuntu CDs arrived. Now I can re-format my CD-RWs. One thing that puzzles me though is that I have to pay PhP 35 before I could take it home. I only paid PhP 15 for the Dapper CDs and now it's PhP 35? Why? Red Tape? Corruption? These people... tsk! tsk! tsk!

Anyway, here's my package.

I ordered 3 CDs each so I can give them away to my friends and to those who want to learn Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) and use the Edubuntu CDs for my seminar in Daet, Camarines Norte which will be attended by teachers from the Bicol Region. 3 Edubuntu CDs aren't enough so I'll burn a few more. I sure hope I'm a teacher so I can order, at most, 50 CDs.

And, of course, my favorite.... Ubuntu Stickers.

And today, I received another CD from the Postman. This time it's the NetBeans CD that I ordered from now

I checked on the contents of CD and found out that it also contains the NetBeans 5.5 installers for Linux, Solaris, and Windows. The nice people of also included the Mobility Pack, Profiler, the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0, and the NetBeans Documentation.

Too bad they don't have the C/C++ Development Pack, Enterprise Pack, UML Modeling Plugin, and the Visual Web Pack. But more importantly, they should've included JDK 5 with the CD, since Netbeans 5.5 does depend on JDK 5 and is required by both Netbeans and the Add-On Packs. But that's fine since the Application Server makes up for it and that you can easily download and install the plugin and the IDE Add-Ons.

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