EditDNS Howto in Kubuntu
I've been using EditDNS' services for a couple of months now, and I'm happy it's reliable. However, few people has asked me how to go about setting it up on a system with Dynamic IP address, and walking them through setting it up has consumed much of my time. That's why I'm writing this little howto.
- you have Web Server installed. This may be Apache or Lighttp. Of course, assuming you wanted a web server. If you intend to use it for to host IRC, SVN, POP3, IMAP, etc. then you should have a server application for that as well.
- your system should be accessible from the outside network. Try surfing to your IP address. If you don't know your IP address, go to http://whatismyip.com/. Also, just to make sure, ask a friend to surf using your IP address too.
- if you can't access your PC from the outside, try checking your firewall. Better yet, disable it for the mean time.
- if you still can't access your PC even with firewall disabled, check your router. Configure to forward port 80 (again, assuming you're setting up a web server) to your system. Check your router documentation, and please don't ask me.
- get an account with EditDNS. There's no sense following this article if you don't have one.
- if you have a domain, contact your domain provider regarding changing your Nameserver.
1. Login to EditDNS and skip the Help Us Spread the Word page.
2. Login to your domain provider's Control Panel and point the nameservers to:
- ns1.us.editdns.net
- ns2.us.editdns.net
- ns3.us.editdns.net

3. Add a domain.. that is, if you have one. We'll go through adding a Sub-Domain later.

4. Add a DynDNS Record

5. On the Dynamic DNS Record Page, type in a password then place a check mark on your two domains listed below. Leave the "New DynRecord record (Optional):" blank. Click the Add button.

6. Verify settings.

7. Now check if it'll update by going to this website:
Please make sure you change the password and the knightlust.com with your details.

It should have one entry: Record has been updated. Now do the same thing for the other domain.
8. Get back to the EditDNS page and refresh it. Make sure the IP/Host is also updated. If it's updated, then you know it's working.

9. Install lynx, you don't need it, but the next step does.
sudo aptitude install lynx
10. Create a text file with the following entries:
lynx -source "http://dyndns.editdns.net/api/dynLinux.php?p=password&r=knightlust.com" lynx -source "http://dyndns.editdns.net/api/dynLinux.php?p=password&r=www.knightlust.com"
Save the text file as editdns. We need this so it'll update EditDNS records every time you reboot or start this computer.

11. Move the editdns file to /etc/init.d
sudo mv editdns /etc/init.d
12. Create a symbolic link to /etc/rcS.d
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/editdns /etc/rcS.d/S90editdns
- Wait for at least 4 hours for your domain to propogate. Don't expect it to work right after setting it up.
- You may also add No. 10 to your crontab, instead of placing it into /etc/init.d and /etc/rcS.d.
- If your ISP changes your IP address while online, you don't have to reboot your system. Just issue the command:
sudo /etc/init.d/editdns
Instructions for Adding a Sub-Domain:
1. Login to EditDNS and skip the Help Us Spread the Word page.
2. Type in a sub-domain that you want. Then click the Add button

3. Click the left [x] to modify it. And don't mind the "You currently don't have any domain names." message, I think it's a bug.

4. Add a new DynRecord.

5. Enter a password and place a check mark on your Record Name, just below the Add column. Then click the Add button.

6. Verify Settings.

7. Now check if it'll update by going to this website:
Please make sure you change the password and the dax.mydyn.net with your details.

8. Get back to the EditDNS page and refresh it. Make sure the IP/Host is also updated. If it's updated, then you know it's working.

9. Install lynx, you don't need it, but the next step does.
sudo aptitude install lynx
10. Create a text file with the following entries:
lynx -source "http://dyndns.editdns.net/api/dynLinux.php?p=password&r=dax.mydyn.net"
Save the text file as editdns. We need this so it'll update EditDNS records every time you reboot or start this computer.

11. Move the editdns file to /etc/init.d
sudo mv editdns /etc/init.d
12. Create a symbolic link to /etc/rcS.d
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/editdns /etc/rcS.d/S90editdns
- Wait for at least 4 hours for your domain to propogate. Don't expect it to work right after setting it up.
- You may also add No. 10 to your crontab, instead of placing it into /etc/init.d and /etc/rcS.d.
- If your ISP changes your IP address while online, you don't have to reboot your system. Just issue the command:
sudo /etc/init.d/editdns
Additional Notes:
It is not required to have a DynRecord for knightlust.com and www.knightlust.com. A single DynRecord for knightlust.com is enough. Just make sure to CNAME www.knightlust.com. If you choose this option, then you may remove the second entry from /etc/init.d/editdns.
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